
OceanConservancyTalkingTrashCoverTalking Trash and Taking Action (42 pages)
Developed through a partnership of Ocean Conservancy and NOAA Marine Debris Program this instructor’s guide, with supplemental on-line materials, “…will allow you to develop a personalized marine debris education program.  The guide is designed to be a resource for activities and information that can fit into existing lesson plans or can be followed verbatim as its own set of lesson plans.”




NAMEPA EducatorGuideCoverAn Educator’s Guide to Marine Debris (32 pages, 2018)
Guia del Educador sobre Desechos Marinos (available in Spanish)
from NAMEPA (North American Marine Environmental Protection Association) found on their Educational Resource page (Just register and the materials are free to download.) “This guide was created in partnership with NOAA and contains lessons for students K-12 to inspire ocean stewardship, all in conjunction with NGSS and STEM. PowerPoints and links referred to in this guide are available below.” –



YouAretheSolutionCurriculaCover“You Are the Solution to Pointless Pollution” Education Kit K-12 (2008) from Clean Ocean Action (COA) located in Long Branch, New Jersey
“This Pointless Pollution Education Kit includes information, interactive lessons, and hands-on activities to incorporate in the class- room and community. Similar in structure, these lessons and activities include the same basic elements: grade level, reference to the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJ CCCS), goal(s), objective(s), materials list, activity description, activity evaluation(s), activity extension(s), and useful websites*. The Glossary of Terms on page 15 contains definitions for key words used throughout this kit.” – from the Kit’s note to Instructors


Project Wet (Water Education for Teachers)
from NJDEP SEEDs Program (New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, The State Environmental Education Directory)
“…provides teachers (grades K-12) with the necessary tools, resources and lessons to help teach students about the importance and value of water in every day life.  The Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide is a collection of more than 64 science-based, interdisciplinary activities and lesson plans that are teacher-tested and classroom ready for K-12 students. The lessons are correlated to state and national Core Curriculum Content Standards and cover an array of diverse topics and disciplines.  The Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide is available to educators only if they participate in a six-hour Project WET professional development workshop. Teachers who attend a WET workshop will receive professional development credits.”

HereTodayHereTomorrow"Here Today, Here Tomorrow - Recycled" (2005)
from NJDEP SEEDs Program (New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, The State Environmental Education Directory)
“Here Today, Here Tomorrow - Recycled! is a curriculum supplement sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). It was developed by DEP's Bureau of Recycling and Planning and the Office of Communications and made available for public access in 2005.
Teachers, youth leaders, naturalists, environmental educators, camp counselors and others who work with students in grades 1 - 6 can flexibly use this supplement. It was developed through a review, revision and field testing process utilizing earlier versions of the Here Today, Here Tomorrow curriculum series and other instructional resources that focus on waste disposal, recycling and other related solid waste topics. Here Today, Here Tomorrow - Recycled! is available online and in a ready-to-print format. It is formatted in easy-to-read sections of information and user-friendly lessons that can be viewed individually then downloaded and printed. This document can be reproduced in sections or in its entirety for use and can be distributed freely as long as DEP staff are consulted regarding permission and the agency is cited with appropriate credits.” – introduction of Here Today, Here Tomorrow - Recycled!