Keep It Covered

SalemCountyKeepItCoveredImageSalem County’s “Keep It Covered!” Tarp Program


Salem County’s “Keep It Covered!” Tarp program “assists Salem County residents in eliminating windblown litter along roadways when transporting bulk waste for disposal.”

Residents can transport their own bulk waste materials to Salem County Solid Waste Facility’s Convenience Center, “but the load must be TARPED. This is in accordance with the New Jersey Solid Waste Management Act and the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice that requires all open vehicles traveling with solid waste to be tarped in order to avoid spillage onto the roadways.

Tarps, size 8’ x 10’, have been purchased with Clean Communities Grant monies and are available at the Convenience Center, free of charge, to be used for the purpose of covering their load of waste.

Tarps are available through each municipality to assist residents in minimizing windblown litter within their municipalities also.”